For Roald Dahl Lovers

I remember the first “proper book” I ever read, my father gave it to me and he’d picked it up from the station on the commute home from London. I can even remember what bag it was in; a green and white striped paper bag with jagged edges, like a big sweetie bag, inside was Matilda by Roald Dahl. I was five years-old at the time and I absolutely devoured it – discovering an imagination like his, the way he crafted those stories – always from the point of view of a child was like someone had turned on a part of my brain that hadn’t worked before. I never looked back and have read every single book he has ever written.

Part of the appeal of those great stories were the iconic illustrations by Quentin Blake, as an avid reader his name was as recognisable as the authors, and still is. Without even opening the book or seeing the author’s name those illustrations excited you when you saw the books on the shelf because you knew who it was by and it was going to be great!

Imagine my excitement then, when it came to my attention this week that Quentin Blake has designed an entire range for children for Osborne and Little called “Zagazoo”. I was like a kid at Christmas – and boy it doesn’t disappoint!

That distinctive Quentin Blake style has been translated onto fabrics and wallpapers for children – with bright and bold colours and patterns. My favourite being Cockatoos (Above – Wallpaper code W6060) and I also adored the “Quentin’s ABC” wallpaper with the alphabet letters in his unmistakable script in bright and perky colours on a blackboard style background (W6062/07). It would be so stimulating in a child’s room and such a relief to get away from the gender stereotypes of pink for girls and blue for boys.

For those of you who don’t want to give up your child’s room entirely to story-book brights and wanted a more subtle approach, then there is also the “Alphabet Tales” line which is basically a Toile for kiddies, in subtle hues of blues, reds and neutrals – just like the traditional grown-up version, each letter of the alphabet is accompanied by a little scene to represent that letter, pure genius.

Incredibly the range is also a one-size fits all price for wallpaper and fabrics at £37.28 per roll of wallpaper or £37.28 per M for the fabrics. A slice of childhood nostalgia for under £40 – to me that’s priceless!